Lung cancer and asbestosis can be caused by breathing asbestos dust. Once it has been sucked into the lungs it might take as long as 20 to 60 years or more to show symptoms of a disease. This extensive latency phase often makes it tricky to identify what caused it.
The main risk factor for developing mesothelial cancerous tumors is being exposed to asbestos fibers at the workplace. About three quarters of all mesothelioma sufferers were exposed to asbestos fibers on the job. The exposure has invariably happened decades previous and may have been for a relatively brief but heavy time.
During the 20th century asbestos was used commercially in thousands of products. Untold millions were exposed to this possibly life-threatening material totally unaware. Products containing asbestos weren't at first believed to be hazardous, but in time many people hired by asbestos producers began getting cancer of the lungs. People laboring in asbestos mines, heating industries, insulation factories, and assorted other occupations involving asbestos have shown a considerable increase in the prevalence of the cancerous diseases.
As a consequence of the recognized risk from inhaling asbestos fibers there are now restrictions for the acceptable amount of asbestos exposure for people working near asbestos. Personnel exposed to asbestos fibers are now required to wear protective attire that lowers their amount of exposure. Things such as a person's individual immune system strength may play a key part in if a worker develops an asbestos-associated illness. If you were diagnosed with asbestosis or another asbestos-associated illness you might want to find asbestos law firms that specialize in personal injury cases. Additionally, if you have been exposed to asbestos fibers and have not yet developed cancer, you might still be entitled to compensation in a class action court case.
For those who want to hire the finest asbestos law firms it will involve some groundwork. A few questions that you should get answers to are how long they have been in business, the number of asbestos lawsuits they have managed, the number of malignant mesothelioma lawsuits they have managed, how many of their claims were profitably settled, the number of clients that had to go to trial, whether or not there is a statute of limitations in your state for asbestos-associated claims, and what type of documentation the attorney will need from you to begin a lawsuit.
Find out from the attorneys what a typical settlement might be for a case comparable to yours. It is also important to be aware of the amount the attorney will charge to take your case. The bulk of lawyers will handle lawsuits like this by being paid a percent of the financial settlement and won't even take the case if they think they won't be able to get a respectable settlement for you.
After you have looked at a few asbestos law firms and picked one to hire your next task is to pull together information and documents for the proceedings. Gathering as much information as you can provides you the best possibility for a victorious outcome. First and foremost you will need medical evidence that you have cancer. You will need to know when, where, and how long you were exposed to asbestos-containing products, the name of the person you worked for, and if there are other co-workers that are suffering with a similar disorder. Additional employees or witnesses can often help in confirming the location and time you were subjected to exposure.
The only established cause of malignant mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers, so your claim might be less difficult to demonstrate than you believed. If you have a weak case your attorney will ordinarily not take it and the bulk of solid cases will usually be settled out of court. A qualified attorney will be able to advise you regarding whether you should settle out of court or if you should go to trial. Once the attorney provides you with their opinion the final decision of settling out of court or going to trial is up to you.
Prior to making a final decision you must take some things into consideration. It might take two years and perhaps longer if you plan to go to trial. Can you deal with a year or two of tension without any guarantee that you will end up with a dime? There are several questions that must be considered before coming up with a judgment that is capable of affecting your whole future.
Determine if Your Exposure to Asbestos Entitles You to Legal Compensation
Many people may be unaware they have hazardous asbestos in their home. Locate essential information about asbestos removal companies and other important information.
By Joshua Harding
Sunday, April 11, 2010
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